Friday, August 20, 2010

~10 Months Old~

~Kimberly is 10 Months Old~
I say this every time but I can't believe how big my baby is!! Time is going by so fast. She has been learning so much. She doesn't act like a baby so much anymore!

Here are some milestones and fun things:

01. She is finally CRAWLING! She is a cautions crawler but she gets around.
02. She finally has TEETH! one (bottom left) is through and the second(bottom right) is really close.
03. She gets so excited and loves to walk with help from anyone!
04. She out smarted mommy with the remote to the t.v. Good thing daddy is smart about t.v.'s!
05. She got her first bruise from learning to crawl. (on her forehead)
06. She loves tags. She cuddles with them like a blanket! Funny girl
07. She is in a size 4 diaper.(Target brand)
08. She tries to blow and makes a face we call 'monkey lips' Hopefully she will learn how to blow when she has birthday candles.
09. She loves story time before bed.
10. She went to the zoo for a second time, I think she enjoyed it more.
11. She learned how to sit up all by herself
12. We had to put the mattress down in her crib
13.She tries to dress herself with our clothes when I am folding them.
14. She can pick up food with her thumb and index finger.

Friday, August 13, 2010

~9 Month Check up~

~9 Month check up~

Kimberly went to her 9 month check up on 8/11/10 and here are her stats

18lbs 6oz- 33%
27.56 inch tall- 38%
17.7 in head circumference- 72%

Yesterday Janica and I took the kids to the drive-in movie. It was fun the kids got really tired after the first movie so the second was kind of hard to watch but it was a fun last summer event for Ariana and Gerry before school. We saw Toy Story 3 and The Sorcerer's Apprentice.


Look who FINALLY decided she could try crawling. I only got a couple clips of it, but I was excited to get it on video. The first part is her making noise with her hand and mouth that I think is so cute, then the others are of her at Janica's house playing and learning to crawl. I'm not sure what it is about her but she seems to do new things at other peoples houses. Like she learned to sit up all by herself the day we got to my parents house and then the first day over at Janica's being back from my parents she crawls!!! We realized that every time she would try it we would get excited and make noise so she would stop. I guess I need to be excited inside so she doesn't stop trying!!! She hasn't done it sense that day at Janica's but we are working on it.

~First crawl 8/11/10~

Make video montages at

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

~St. George~

Kimberly and I went down to St. George two weeks ago and stayed for a week. We had so much fun with the family. We spent a lot of time with Keesha, Jarryn, and Lexi. Jarryn had his 7th birthday, Chandler had his 23rd or 24th birthday ( I can't remember!!!) We went out to dinner at Sameri 21 for there birthday dinner. I got my hair cut by my loving sister. (Thank you Kylee) We went swimming at Aunt Traci's house and at the rec center for Jarryn's friend party. Went out to dinner ALOT! (Thanks Maga and Papa),Bought new fun clothes for Kimberly. Kimberly learned to sit up from a laying down position and is finally teething(I know I keep saying this but it is real this time I will prove it with pictures later if I can get them from her)!!! Spent some much needed quality time with Maga and Papa. And Kimberly went on her first plane ride!!! Yes a very busy week!

Kimberly and Lexi are starting to like each other, but they still pull hair, poke eyes out, roll and kick each other.

Dinner at Sameri 21 for Jarryn and Chandlers birthday!

I just realized I didn't get a picture of Traci, Blake, Corbin, Carly, or Braylon at dinner

Kimberly and Lexi liked taking baths together. They both love baths!

Keesha and I bathing the babe's

Cutest two babies ever!

Kimberly tried cookie dough for the first time! (we didn't put eggs in it so she could have some)

Kimberly's first plane ride. She did really well, she got a little antsy at the end but she was really tired and my little girl does NOT fall asleep in my arms! She wants her bed or car seat!!!!

I love this smile!!! (Sitting on mommy's lap on the plane)

This post and the next one are backwards but I didn't want to download pictures again.

Also today 8/10/10 I felt in Kimberly's mouth and her first tooth is finally poking through!!! It is about time little girl. She has been kind of cranky but I guess I can't blame her!!!

~The Zoo again~

We went to the zoo for Patti's work. It was a good day and we had a lot of fun. It did rain for a while but then got really nice. The group that went was : Jeremy, Patti, Kimberly, Nick, and me.