Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Day 13

Today our day started out by waking up at 5:30 and headed to the airport. We went through the fun security and checking in for our flight. Made our way down to our gate. Where we sat for a good 5 hours. Yet again our flight was delayed by an electrical problem. I was fine with waiting for them to fix it. but I think Jer was ready to be home. While waiting I made Jeremy buy me some cadbury carmel chocolates and a coke, sense we hadn't had breakfast and it was now around 11 there time. We finally got onto the aircraft and ended up having the first two seats on the plane. 1A and 1B!!!! It was nice to get business class again. It makes the flight a lot better than sitting in the back for 7 hours. When we arrived at JFK, the next fun adventure started........we had to get off the plane locate our luggage, (which took along time for them to get it to us), go through customes, stand in a long line with all the other passangers from our flight. Everyone had pretty much missed there connections because of us being delayed in LHR for over 3 hours. It was hot and sticky down in this line, it smelled like sticky feet and B.O. but we evenially got our seat request and head to try for a flight to SLC. it was a very close flight and it didn't look like we were going to make it. I was talking to my sister Keesha and she was giving us our other options when with our luck other flights had been late and they had a lot of miss connects and we made it on the onway to SLC. I was so happy and we even got to sit next to each other. We were in seats 31D and 31E. The flight was good except there was a baby that must have been sick because he cried for a good 3 out of the 5 hour flight. Thank goodness I was too into my book to let it bug me that bad. Jeremy played a trivia game and tried to sleep. We then got home and for dinner we had McDonalds!!! Yes you read that right.......there wasn't anything else really open. After dinner we went to bed it had been a long day of flying and airports, we were glad to be back in our own bed!!! Thanks for everyone reading about our honeymoon. And I would wish this kind of trip on anyone! It was perfect

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Day 12

Hello all and Greetings from England,

Today our cruise ended :( but last night we did finally dress up. We went to the steak house on the boat and shared a 32 oz. porterhouse steak. We were both stuffed so bad we had to take the dessert back to our room. I think it was a good ending to the cruise though. After packing everything up and setting it outside the room for them to load on to the pier we went to sleep. When we awoke the this morning there wasn't much to do but pack the carryons and head to the theater for our tour. On a side note I am kicking myself right now. I was such a genius buying all these glass souvenirs. My whole bag is full of glass so I am doing my best to get it all home without breaking anything. But anyway we left the ship with our tour group and got all of our bags on the dock to carry them to the bus. Then we loaded up the bus and started our two hour ride to the heart of London. Before we headed to London we went up on a hill and looked at Dover Castle. We got rain today so it was hard to see it clearly but I still love the look of a true castle. Once in London our first stop was supposed to be the Tower of London, but the turn for it was closed so our bus driver drove all over the place trying to find another way in but he couldn't. The tour guide decided that we should go to the St. Paul's Cathedral because we were right there. We couldn't go into it because it cost money and we didn't have enough time so we walked around it and the guide talked a little about it. After taking a small bathroom break we were back to attempting to find our way to the Tower of London. But unfortunately all roads were block and we couldn't go. Both of us were very bummed because that was one of the places we had really looked forward to going to. I guess we will have to visit it another time. We then headed down to Traffalga Square, were we got a lunch break. Jeremy and I ended up shopping instead. We found a really cool spy glass in a case that was on "Sale". It has a plaque were we can have it script with London, England when we get home. We then headed around town again (it feels like all you do is circle around this town) we passed Big Ben, Scotland yard, Westminster Abbey and little Ben. Then we stopped at Buckingham Palace, we walked around to the front and took some pictures. The queen was not there, they say she goes other places on the weekends. The guards that were in front weren't the usual ones with a red suite and tall black hats. They were called shirkers and they wore a white uniform with a small black hat. But after that it was off to the airport and then on to a shuttle to get to our motel for the night. I guess tomorrow we start our adventure home. So hopefully all goes well. It looks like we are going to go through JFK and then hopefully on to SLC if everything goes well.


Yes Keesha we are going to try JFK. I went ahead and changed our booking. We are at the hotel now and are going to head out to dinner I believe its around 945am there so if anyone get this get on msn and we will get on in a bit and talk to you. I hope someone does. we will update blog later also.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Day 11

Hello all and greetings from the last day of our cruise.
Today I write from the North Sea somewhere between Great Britian and Denmark. We awoke a little later today but just in time for breakfast. After turning on the t.v. we found that our trip will be just over three thousand miles in total. Just thought I would throw that fact in for later on. But anyway we had the usual breakfast up in the buffet. After that we went to watch a little game called Battle of the Sexes. Of course I had to play, but unfortunatly I couldn't talk Kirah into it. So I played with another guy against two women. We ended up winning our round by 4-2. Then we went up to see if they pulled our lottery ticket out for a free cruise. As you may have already guessed we didn't win. So we decided to go down and check out an art auction. We talked to a nice lady who was directing the auction. But after we found out the starting bids we decided we were in a little over our heads so we went up to the room for a while. After a quick rest we then decided to go to a show called Liar's club. Basically you were shown a word (something with a sexual conatation). Then four actors would each give you a definition and you would try to pick out which one was telling the truth. I didn't do so well but the definitions were quite funny. Then that leads us up to now where we are getting dressed up to go to the steakhouse (yumm) And then off to see the last show of the cruise. I am not sure if we will write anymore entries while on vacation we will have to see if the hotel room has an internet connection or not. But we would like to sincerely thank everyone who helped with the wedding and this trip we couldn't have done it without you. Cant wait to see you all soon. P.S. Mavis to answer your question we will probably not get home tell around 11pm sunday night. (Kirah:) we'll have to tell you all about the newlywed game when we get home. It is pretty funny!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Day 11

Greetings from the sea.......
Today wasn't as exciting as the last couple days but we did learn some stuff........like how to make towel animals.........how to waltz..........ummm ok thats it!!! :) We woke up this morning around 8am here which I believe was like 12am there in Utah ate some breakfast on the back of the ship cause its starting to warm up again, not that it ever got real cold but cold enough we haven't wanted to eat outside. We then took a walk around the ship just to do something. Hung out in the room and watched a movie. After the movie was over and we were deciding if we should go eat lunch we heard a hellicopter out side so we went out and saw that it was a rescue one. Then we notice the boat started to stop so everyone just kind of hung out waiting to see what was going on. We then headed up to eat and found out that someone had a medical emergency and they had to send someone out to get her. They had to clear all the open decks so the hellicopter could land. We are still not sure exactly what the emergency was but I'm sure people will be talking about it. When the hellicopter left we got back on the way to Dover. After lunch we headed down to learn how to make animals out of towels. Unfortunatly alot of other people wanted to learn also so it was hard to see but we did learn acouple and tried one ourselves in the room. We then headed up to learn how to do the Waltz.......and all we can say is we have a total of four left feet which doesn't make for a beautiful Waltz. I think they just taught it alittle to fast for both of us to get it. We came back to the room and did alittle to see what we learned and we did better slow. So as you can tell there isn't awhole going on, on the ship. We are kind of getting bored and we still have another day at sea. Tonight we are going to a show (Cirque Bijou) I guess it is the last show for these guys that have been doing it for 6 months together so I'm sure it will be a tear fest but I'm excited to see it. Jeremy told me at the first show that it was the first show he has been to like that and he kind of liked it, so I guess we might have to get him to one of the girls shows. We wanted to thank you all for reading our blogs everyday, its nice to know people are reading them. And we will be printing them when we get home. We figured this is a better way for us to remember things, and when you guys ask us questions it might help us tell you what we did. We learned alot in a short period. We Love you all

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day 10

Greeting from Stockholm, Sweden.........
We started our day early again today. We ate some breakfast and headed down to our tour. The tour started out with a drive around the city or I guess island. Stockholm has many different ones. Starting on Sodermalm (or south island I believe) we drove to an overlook to take pictures of the old town and then crossed to a different island. Jeremy and I choose to hang out in the bus because we had already taken pictures from the ship. It is really nice having a room with a balcony expecially on the back. We then made our way through the old town to another island called Djurgarden where we passed by all the ambassdor's houses. While driving around they also showed us where they had built a bomb shelter for around 50,000 people if they needed it, but as for right now its a gas station and car lot. ( The gas here cost around $8 a gallon, I guess we shouldn't complain so much about how much gas costs us!!) They also tax people that drive, so most people take the trains or buses so they don't have to pay the taxes. Anyways after the drive we headed to The Vasa Museum. This museum holds a warship from 1628, that sunk only 20 min after being launched on its maiden voyage. The ship was built out of oak trees so the whole thing was made of wood. It had statues made out of wood all over it, and had two rows of gun decks. While it was making its maiden voyage the captain, his men, and their families were the first to sail it to a port where the soldiers where waiting to aboard the ship and the women and children would get off. But after leaving a few feet away they had a small wind gust and the ship tipped to his right side but then came back to normal and after a few more hundred feet they hit another big wind gust and the ship turned again but this time it didn't regain and went under. They said the reason it went down so fast was because of how she was built. They built her so she was to top heavy. The captain knew this because when building it they had 30 men run from one side to the other and it only took three times for the ship to tip, but he couldn't do anything about it because the king gave them the order to build it that way and you couldn't tell the king other wise. They did tell us about the meaurments but neither Jer or I can remember so we will have to go research it. They also say that because they had the gun doors open so they could shoot them right after they left that when the ship tipped it filled up faster with water and sunk immediately. 25-50 men die the rest were saved. After the museum we headed to the old town where we ended our tour and went shopping. We ended up getting a replica of the Vasa. We then walked back to the ship and are hanging out now. Show always start late so we usually watch movies in the room. Oh and we are becaming more and more of a celebrity, they played the show over and over again last night. I got a comment coming back on the ship asking "If I still love him after the newlywed game?" of course I said "yes" :) The next two days we will be at sea and then on sat. we will be back to London. I can't believe how fast our trip has been but I do miss home a bit. I hope all is still well at home. And I hope Rover isn't getting to mad at us!! I also want to know if Keesha or Mom could start looking at our flight to see if we are still ok. You can check ATL first then JFK. We would appreciate it. We don't get much internet time so we can't really look ourselves. You can write here or myspace to let us know. We love you all!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Day 9

Greetings from Helsinki, Finland.........
Before I get started on our day in Helsinki I wanted to tell you about last night. Kirah and me were on the newleywed game show on the boat. It was fun but Kirah related me to a VW bug can you believe it. (kirah: I was trying to make it funny!!) Oh well I guess I have the rest of my life to forgive her. Anyways we lost, the couple that had been together the longest won, but we got a concilary prize package so it wasn't too bad. Okay back to our day in Finland. We were scheduled to go see the Soumenlinna Island Fortress. So we jumped on our tour busses again and were off to the port. Just as a side note I was suprised at how many of these towns use boats to get around. In fact St. Petersburg is called the Venice of the north. Also as another side note I cant believe how many American made cars are here. Kirah laughs at me cause I look at all the cars while we are touring. But anyway back to the story. When we got off of the bus a cold wind started blowing off of the ocean. Since neither of us had a coat poor Kirah had goose bumps the whole time. We then borded the ferry which took us out to the fort on the island. As we were riding out I noticed that there were houses on some of these little islands. I guess some people have there own island, how would that be. But as we came up to the island there was an old diesel submarine that was pulled from the water and on display. I guess it was built around WWII with seven other subs at the docks in Finland. Then our boat pulled up to the docks and we went ashore. There we grouped up and started our walk around the island. There they showed us the ramparts and took us up to the seaside to look at some old russian cannons. At the cannons the wind was blowing very hard so Kirah got cold and went back inland. I took a few more pic's then went back with her. As we were waiting for the tour to return this crazy duck came crashing in by where we were standing. It stood up and shook off looking around at me and Kirah. It then walked right up and just stood right next to kirah. It wasn't scared at all it just waited the whole time we stood there. After that we followed the tour guide to a little cafe and chatted with a couple from california and walked down to a nice little pond. It was supposed to be for officers of the old days to send there wifes to relax while they worked. Then we went through a couple more ramparts and met our little boat to take us back to shore. There we had a little bit of time to go shopping. We found these little glass birds that were blue and red and also we got a hand blown glass vase. We got our souvineers and hurried back to meet the bus. then we came back to write you this. Can't believe the cruise is already winding down I was just getting used to being a tourist. Oh well no sense dwelling on it. Oh ya I almost forgot tonight they have the chocoholic buffet. they are supposed to have everything choclate you can think of. I guess we will put a few pounds on tonight. So we just went to dinner and on our way back we started to become a celebrity for our debut on the newlywed show. One lady asked if we were bugged that everyone walking passed us smiled cause they saw us on tv??

Monday, May 12, 2008

Day 8

Hello all and greetings from russia again,
We started out the day early today, Grabbed a quick breakfast, and went down to muster for our tour. The weather was wonderful again this morning. We took busses to the first stop on the tour where there were two large red light houses. We got out and of course were quickly surrounded by local vendors. But we snuck through and snapped a few pictures. As we were getting into our seats we noticed a man just sitting in the park. Sitting next to him was a live bear cub. It was acting just like a dog would, following him around and was actually behaving very nicely. But unfortunatly we couldn't go over there cause the bus was already leaving. Our next stop was the castle of Peter and Paul. it was built on a small island out in the neva river. Inside of it was the cathedral of Peter and Paul which housed the remains of many of the great russian czars. The coffins were marble and were just sat out on the floor for everyone to see. The rest of the cathedral was done up very ornate with many paintings and lots of gold and marble. Also they have these restuarants on the side of the river that look just like old sailing vessels. I wish we could have gotten to at least get on them, but in russia they are still paraniod I guess so you have to be with an organized tour to leave the boat. Then we proceeded to the cathedral on spilled blood again. This time we just took a quick look from the outside but didn't go in. After that it was off to the souviner store. We looked all through it and kirah found a large painting of a naked women and came and told me to buy it. Unfortunatley I didn't have the money, and really I didn't have a place to put it. So we decided instead to purchase a fabrosee egg. It is very nice and when you open it, it plays the theme to the play "Swan Lake". So I think we got some very nice souvineers from Russia. Then the bus driver took us to an authentic Russian folklore show. Even though we couldn't understand a word it actually wasn't too bad. I think Kirah really liked it. We tried to take photos but the lighting was to dim and they were moving too fast. we then took the bus through town back to the ship. They pointed out buildings along the way but I think Kirah already told you about them yesterday. When we got back to the ship we went and had a quick lunch then came back to the room to wait for our next tour. As we were waiting our luck finally gave out as it started to rain and blow. We were worried that our tour would be cancelled because it was supposed to be a romantic river cruise up the neva river. Luckily the boat was enclosed so we did end up getting to go. As we were going to the boat the tour guide showed us all the places we had already seen so I kinda drifted off for a little bit. When we got to the boat we hurried through the rain and got a seat at the very front of the boat. As the boat pulled out they came through and offered everyone a glass of champagn. I had to at least try it but after my bachelor party just the smell of alchohol tightens my gut. So I just took a quick taste, it was ok. A little different than the stuff I am used to. Also that is the reason I didn't get any vodka from Russia, one of my favorite drinks. Anyways as we were sailing a group of real gypsies came out and danced and sang for us. It was nice until they took a break then our tour guide tried to step in and start guiding again. It was terrible, you couldn't understand what she was saying the audio equipment wasn't functioning properly so it was like two hours of droning on. Finally the gypsies returned and danced for the rest of the cruise. I had to laugh cause on the trip back on the bus the lady wouldn't stop talking even when we could understand her she would drone on and on. Kirah told me she reminded her of a certain old friend who could ramble on forever about nothing. But finally we made it to the ship and came up to our room to write this. On the good side it already looks like the clouds are parting and I can see some sunshine.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Day 7

Greeting from day 1 in St. Petersburg, Russia........
Today we had a later excursion that started around 1 so we got up early and went to breakfast. We then came back to the room and read our books for awhile until our tours left. We started by driving through the town to meet our ferry to travel down the Neva river we went by a few of Peter the great's mansions, and by Mr. strogenouf's house the creator of Beef Strogenouf. He used to make it every night for anyone to come and join him for dinner. We also went by the Hermitage one of the biggest art museums in Europe. While we were on our little cruise this little boy ran from bridge to bridge the whole time. It was an hour boat ride, they said "that boy must be training for the olympics!!" He would wave at us and blow us kisses at every bridge. All I have to say is "you go boy!!" hahaha All the buildings down the river where bright colors like yellows and oranges, I guess the reason for it was that because they have dark and long winters. So Peter the great told everyone that they had to paint there houses with bright colors so it wasn't so depressing. Out in the main river we saw two masted ships. We also passed a mansion owned by a Czar named Micheal that got shot by his own security guard. It was a bright orange mansion! After the river we got back on the bus and headed to the cathedral on spilled blood. It was a very colorful church, (it looked like something that would have been in charlie and the chocolate factory!) we went in and it was surrounded by mosiac tiles (made of semi precious stones) that created many pictures all over the wall. The walls are completely covered so the devil had no place to hide. We weren't able to take pictures inside without paying so we bought a DVD to show you. Also the other cool thing about this church is it was built on the exact spot were Peter II had been killed by bleeding to death from grenade blast. Someone through a grenade at his couch, which killed horses and guards but not the Czar Peter II. The czar stepped out to see what was going on, the assasin came up dropped another grenade and killed both of them. And thats why his son the next Czar built the church there. There is so many interesting stories sometimes it's hard to remember them all, most of the time Jer has to remind me of things we learned about. After seeing the church we headed to the market to do some shopping we got another nesting doll with main places in Russia on it. We then headed back to the ship. Now we are going to go try some chinese food. Man all we do is eat!!! hahaha We love you all and will let you know about day 2 in Russia tomorrow. P.S. Keesha hows the wedding plans coming? Hopefully well, sorry I can't be there to help you more!

Mothers Day

We love you both and want to thank you for being the best moms and raising us they way you did. We hope you guys both have a great day. Thanks again for everything you both did for our wedding, it wouldn't have been as perfect as it was with out you guys. Love your son and daughter

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Day 6

Hello Everyone and greetings from Tallinn Estonia.
Today we awoke early for breakfast. After breakfast we sat out on the balcony and watched us sail in to port. It was a bit breezier and cooler this morning but luckily it warmed up nicely during the afternoon. After we docked we met up with our tour guide and boarded a bus headed into the city. Tallin is kinda several different cities in one. They have what they call Upper Town which is where the nobility used to live with large castle towers and walls made of lime stone. Then there is Lower Town where the peasents and the guildsmen lived with smaller towers and walls surrounding it. Outside of that you get to the newer more modern city which we didn't tour. Anyways our tour wound its way up to Upper Town and stopped there. We then got off the bus and walked to the parliment house which incorperated two of the old castle towers into a newer building. Across the street from that was a Russian Orthodox church all done up with the onion spires on top. It was neat but not as colorful as the ones in Russia. Also I forgot to mention that all the streets were paved with cobblestone they were a little rough but they went nicely with the castles and old churches. After we left the church we walked through an opening in the wall to lower town. The wall was huge, I got a couple of pictures with Kirah in front of it. Then we moved on to the town square and the meeting hall which was another midevil building with a town square surrounding it. It had a large spire put on it later in its life dedicated to an old watchmen. Made of the melted down coins from the local peasents. Then we walked to another much smaller church. It was the first lime stone building in the city and had been burnt down twice then the russians put a roof on it and used it as a garage for there cars. The floor of this church was made of headstones and when the russians started using it for there cars the estonians secretly took the floors out. Today they are displayed on the outside of the building. Then we walked around alot of the shops and had to wait cause all the old ladies had to go to the bathroom (We had only been on the tour a couple of hours). So after they went to the bathroom we walked down to the midevil torcher museum. We were going to go in after the tour but we didn't have any local currency so we just got a flier instead. After that we followed the group for a while longer then got bored cause we were having a hard time hearing the tour guide so we went shopping (Kirah's favorite part). At the store the ship recomended they didn't have many souviners mostly just antiques. So we ventured off on our own. After searching a couple of stores we ended up with a nesting doll ( the ones that break apart and hold more dolls inside), and a painting of tallin from the sea with wooden sailing ships. Anyway I think that is about all and kirah is getting hungry. She is standing over my shoulder like a famished woman just waiting for me to feed her. so have a wonderful day and we will see you soon enough

Friday, May 9, 2008

Day 5

Greeting from the sea.......
Hey everyone, we are just enjoying another beautiful day at sea. Its around 70 degrees and I'm loving every minute of it. Not much to tell you about today. We woke up later than usual, becaue I went down and did our laundry last night at midnight (the only time I could get all three machines at once) so we didn't get to sleep tell late. After waking up we went and had a late lunch, while eating lunch we listened to a trivia game and was glad we didn't particapate cause we only knew a few answers. We then went and played a few games of BINGO. We didn't win :( but it was fun and something to do. I would have to say that this cruise is alot different then the cruises I have been on, we are probably one of the three or four young couples. It is a older cruise, so there isn't alot going on besides bingo and reading. I believe there is a juggling show tonight we are going to try and go to. We may just hang out in the room and watch movies! Mavis did Rover properly supervise the roof construction?!?!?! I guess we might have to give lacy a bath when we get home so lacy can be the boss again. (Apparently rover thinks he owns her at this point!!) :) I hope everything else is going great at home. Jer forgot to tell you guys something last night: I forgot to tell you about the major celebrations that were going on in Berlin. We didn't know it but on the eighth of may the Nazis surrendered to the russians and Germany was holding celebrations all over. Also the Jews were holding major celebration for the creation of Isreal. Anyway I just thought that was a juicy tid bit I left out.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Day 4

Hello everybody and greetings from Germany,
The first thing I have to say is wow! I cant believe how nice Germany is. But anyway let me get started on our day. We had to wake up early again, but dont worry tommorrow we will make up for it out at sea. Then we went out and got a quick breakfast at the buffet. After that we mustered for our trip and then were shuffled out on to a private train. From there we took a two and a half hour train ride through the country to get from Warnemunde to Berlin. The ride was wonderfull all of the trees were in bloom and the flowers were out. Plus it is neat the rows of canola (What they make the cooking oil out of) look like a carpet of yellow. Also I forgot to mention the weather has been wonderful the whole time so far, hopefully it keeps up. When we got to the train station they shuffled us out to busses and we started the tour. First stop is the Berlin Wall. I guess at one point they tried to paint murals on it and called it the west side gallery I believe, but between the poor condition of the concrete and the graffiti it is mostly gone now. Then we boarded the bus and moved on to check point charlie. This was the only point which you could cross the wall between US held West Berlin and USSR held East Berlin. Then we went past the Reichstag and transferd from the busses to a cruise boat. The boat took us up the river and showed variouse new and old buildings. Also there were points were they had not repaired walls and such clear from WWII. It was amazing how many bullet holes were in them, they looked like swiss cheese. Then we transfered back to the busses again. After we were all on the bus we went out to eat for lunch. Let me tell you the German food they fed us was excellent and very plentiful. In fact in Kirah's own words "I think this is the best food we have had all cruise" and I would have to agree. After we were all fat and happy we loaded back on the busses and were off again. We stopped at a market and went shopping. Also at this market were the remains of an old church bombed out by the allies in WWII. But after we got a souviner we were off to the Brandenburg Gate. After some pictures there we loaded up for the last time there and headed back to the trains. After our train ride ended our twelve hour day we snuck up and got a little bit of food and wrote this. So dont judge too harsh the spelling or grammer the last two days we have been a little tired while writing. Tommorrow is as I said earlier a sea day so I am not sure what we are doing yet so stay tuned for another rivitin installment of Kirahs World :) P.S. We love and miss you all!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Day 3

Greetings everyone from Copenhagen Denmark,

We woke up a little earlier today to watch the ship make landfall. It is the first day that we have awoken early enough to get breakfast ( Hey don't be jealous, you would if you could too). Then we went back to our cabin and watched the ship pull in to port. As they were tying up the ship we went down to the theater to muster up for our tour. They shuttled us out with what seemed like about 400 other people I think we filled up four or five busses. but then we were off. I had to laugh cause what they called recent buildings were all built in the 1800's. But it is a very nice city, a lot cleaner than other european cities I have been too. As the bus got to the older section of the cities the roads got very narrow, winedy and at some points you would have to take turns getting through certian choke points. But we eventually arrived at the little pier. There we boarded a boat that looked a little differnt. It was low to the water and wide across and must have had 250+ seats on it cause we packed three busses worth of people in it. Then we took off going through the city almost like in Venice. Some of the bridges we went under were very tight so we would have to duck or sit down at certian points. We wound around seing were they had converted old military barracks to high dollar cottages or "flats" as they like to call them. There were lots of sail boats including some that were very old. At the end of the little tour they took us to see the statue of the original little mermaid. The writer for the original story came from around these parts so they decided to make this statue and put it in the harbor for him. After that they dropped us off at our busses for a final tour on land. They showed us there amusement park but kirah wouldnt go on the ride that lifts you up about 300 feet and then drops you back to the ground. Oh well can't blame me for trying ;) When we got back to the ship we stopped in to our room to freshen up a bit then headed back out for some shopping. We endded up picking out a hand blown glass viking long boat inside a glass bottle and a replica of the little mermaid as decorations for the house. Tonight we are going to try to see a play on hans christian anderson and after that a comedy show. So I will leave you for now and tommorrow we will be in Germany so stay tuned for the next great chapter.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Day 2

Hi All,

We are now sailing in the North Sea. Somewhere between England and Denmark. The weather is nice Kirah is outside on our deck reading a book while I am typing this. I guess today is a lazy day just lounging around and checking things out. we are going to try to catch a show tonight so that should be fun. Anyways to all those poor working souls out there (HA HA). We are thinking of you ;). Hopefully tomorrow we will have great stories to tell about Denmark so ta ta for now

P.S. We probably arent going to call anyone (Its only like 7 dollars a minute) so dont get your feelings hurt.

Monday, May 5, 2008

First vacation blog

Hello all,

Hopefully someone is actually reading this. Me and Kirah survived the trip so far. We had a great time in Atlanta for 10 hours while they attempted to fix the aircraft. But finally they got us a new plane. On the up side we did get business class with big seats and little movie screens for the eight hour trip across the Atlantic. We flew all night and arived in London at 15:45, Then we started our train portion of the trip. It started on the London underground (or the Tube as they call it). We rode that for around an hour till we got to the train station. There we boarded a train for a ride around four hours. It made lots of stops and was really fun to drag those bags around. Kirah is going to have great big muscles when she gets back (LOL). We finally made it to our hotel around 22:00. We ordered a hamburger from roomservice to share and cleaned up then crashed till about 04:30 neither of us could sleep much after that so we kinda tossed and turned till it was time to check out and report to the ship. We then caught a cab which by the way is still weird driving on the wrong side of the road, and made it to the ship. I dont think I have seen the sea since I was in the service. But we then checked in to the boat and boarded. It is a very nice ship and our room is really nice also. It has a little private balcony which since the weather seems to be cooperating we might actually get to use. After a little nap we set out to explore the ship. There is alot to do and they seem to plan lots of shows and activities for us to do. Well I will let you go for know but keep checking back. We are at sea tommorrow but pull in to Copenhagen Denmark the day after. Jeremy