Monday, October 31, 2011

~Monthly Memories~


I can't believe October is over already! As much as the beginning of pregnancy is not my favorite it is going by pretty fast. Some of the fun things from October.

01. She is Officially 2 years old! Wow!
02. Kimberly is very much the boss when it comes to mommy. She seems to not care what tone I have she does what she wants. 
03. She can sing most of Twinkle Twinkle little star. And loves doing the actions to Itsy bitsy spider (sp?)
04. The other day Jeremy said "Are you getting hungry, Kirah" (and rubbed my leg) well Kimberly decided to copy him. It was weird to hear her call me "Tirah". 
05. She always says "I NEED ______" (we are teaching her to say I Want)
06. She is going to be Pebbles today for Halloween
07. She has decided she wants to sit at the big table with no booster for most meals. (She isn't quite tall enough but she does pretty good)
08. She is still a major thumb sucker!
09. She LOVES to help mommy and daddy. And is very independent on doing things herself. "Timberly do it!"
10. She went to the doctor for her 2 year check up last Friday. She did so good and let the doctor do everything he needed to do. And then we were not nice and she had two shots!! On the way home she kept looking at me and saying "awie look, awie look!" I felt so bad.
Her stats at 2 years old:
Height: 33 1/2 in tall- 40 %
Weight: 22.99 lbs- 7 %

~ Mommy & Daddy~
01. Daddy is installing a fan and heat light in our bathroom. We are very excited about this.
02. Mommy got to hear the new baby's heartbeat at her doctors apt! (Love that sound)
03. Daddy has been pretty slow at his work so hopefully they pick up and get some work.
04. Mommy is 14 weeks pregnant! 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

~2 years Old~

 ~2 years old~

We can't believe our baby girl is 2 years old today! It doesn't feel like it has been that long. It seems like yesterday I was seeing her for the first time. She has been such a joy to us and we don't know what we would do with out her. 
* She is so smart and surprises us everyday with new things she has learned.
*She is learning her ABC's 
*She copy's everything we do
*She knows her name and says it so cute
*She can sing most of "twinkle twinkle little star"
*Her favorite shows are Dora the Explorer, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Bubble Guppies
*She loves babies
*She is a good cleaner when you talk her threw it
*She loves running around the house with daddy
*She is getting close with knowing her colors
*She loves her friends Anela, Ariana, and Gerry.
*She is a big time momma's girl
*She loves bath time
*She has become a picky eater
*Asks a lot of "whats that?", "what are you doing?", "where are we going?"
*Loves having books read to her
*Can open doors
*Can count to 10
*LOVES watching herself on videos. (will ask everyday to "watch Kimberly")
*Is going to be a big sister
*She knows a lot of animals and the sounds they make
*She likes talking on the phone
*She now walks up to other kids at the store and says "my name kimberly" (its so cute)
*Acts like a mom when other kids are doing something there not supposed to
*Like to put on adults shoes and walk around in them
*She loves Steak!! (We found out today she can use chop stix)
I'm sure there is a lot more but this is what I can think of now!
Happy Birthday Baby Girl Mommy and Daddy love you so much!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

~Number 2~

~12 weeks~

Well I thought I should put a little post on our exciting news! Yes we are pregnant with Baby Coon #2. I am due April 28, 2012. I have been pretty sick with this pregnancy but it is different than when I was pregnant with Kimberly. I have NO appiteite!!!!!, I have to eat every two hours or I get sicker, I usually only throw up when I haven't eaten so it just stomach acid, I have horrible heartburn, I want to sleep a lot but my body hurts from laying around so much, I feel like I'm getting motion sickness whenever I walk around or drive anywhere and I feel like it is harder having Kimberly here because I don't have enough energy for her. (she watches a lot of tv!!). I have had some distractions I went to St. George, Janica has kept me entertained a time or two, and we have gone over to Grandma Patti's. Most the time I don't feel like doing much but I know I need to get out of the house. I want to be able to enjoy the holidays. We have so many coming up! (Kimberly's second birthday, Halloween, My birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New years!) I have good days and semi bad days but they do seem to be getting better. Don't get me wrong I am excited for this baby but I don't think Pregnancy is my thing. I think Jeremy would have to do some REALLY good convincing for me to do this again! I'm kind of thinking 2 kids is a good number! :)  

I have had one doctors appointment and it went well. The doctor said everything looked good and when he did the little ultrasound at the office we saw a very active little baby. So I am hoping at my appointment in a week we will be able to hear the heartbeat. And at this point I don't think we are going to find out the sex of the baby! (I know I'm sure I will have a few people upset but I think it will be fun to wait until the baby is here!)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

~Silly Girl~

I Love how this video turned out!!! Kimberly is such a ham lately and I'm glad I caught some of it on video. I hope you enjoy it as much as we have!! I can't believe my baby will be two next week!! Man the time has gone by so fast.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

~Monthly Memories~

*Sorry no picture*

01. We found out on Daddies birthday that Kimberly is going to be a BIG SISTER!!!!(more on that later) I am due on April 28, 2012. We are pretty excited. I don't think Kimberly understands it but I think she will be excited.
02. Kimberly loves to try on other peoples shoes. When it is time to leave she will bring everyone their shoes.
03. She is talking so much these days and it is sentences now instead of just words. She repeats EVERYTHING people say. 
04. She knows the difference between Grandma (Patti) and Pa (Trip), Papa (Troy) and Maga (Tawni), and Grandpa (Jared). Its nice that she knows who everyone is without then being there in person. She recognizes them on the phone also.
05. She is the seat belt police. She will ask and tell everyone in the car to wear their seat belt.
06. She wants to watch TV A LOT these days!!! Oops!!! Her favorites is Dora, bubble guppies, and "Mickey the mouse" (that is what she calls it)
07. She is getting into babies dolls!
08. I have been trying to get it recorded but she tries to sing the alphabet, it is so cute!!! And I love how she says "Hello, mommy, hello!" (Also trying to get that recorded)
09. We went on a trip to St. George for Maga's birthday.
10. Kimberly has been waking up earlier than mommy likes these days not sure what it up with that.