Thursday, October 20, 2011

~2 years Old~

 ~2 years old~

We can't believe our baby girl is 2 years old today! It doesn't feel like it has been that long. It seems like yesterday I was seeing her for the first time. She has been such a joy to us and we don't know what we would do with out her. 
* She is so smart and surprises us everyday with new things she has learned.
*She is learning her ABC's 
*She copy's everything we do
*She knows her name and says it so cute
*She can sing most of "twinkle twinkle little star"
*Her favorite shows are Dora the Explorer, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Bubble Guppies
*She loves babies
*She is a good cleaner when you talk her threw it
*She loves running around the house with daddy
*She is getting close with knowing her colors
*She loves her friends Anela, Ariana, and Gerry.
*She is a big time momma's girl
*She loves bath time
*She has become a picky eater
*Asks a lot of "whats that?", "what are you doing?", "where are we going?"
*Loves having books read to her
*Can open doors
*Can count to 10
*LOVES watching herself on videos. (will ask everyday to "watch Kimberly")
*Is going to be a big sister
*She knows a lot of animals and the sounds they make
*She likes talking on the phone
*She now walks up to other kids at the store and says "my name kimberly" (its so cute)
*Acts like a mom when other kids are doing something there not supposed to
*Like to put on adults shoes and walk around in them
*She loves Steak!! (We found out today she can use chop stix)
I'm sure there is a lot more but this is what I can think of now!
Happy Birthday Baby Girl Mommy and Daddy love you so much!!!

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