Saturday, January 15, 2011

~New Experiences~

This is my new treadmill I got for Christmas. It took us awhile to get it downstairs, it was to big to fit in the doorway. Well after we set it up Kimberly woke up from her nap and we wanted to see what she would do if we put it on the slowest speed and have her walk. Well........

.....It didn't go over very well. I don't think she was awake enough, so she cried the whole time like it was child abuse!!! We stopped, but I will have to take her down there and try it again!

The other day Grandma Patti took us and Nick to Hollywood Connections. It was fun and I think Nick had a lot of fun riding the rides. Kimberly wasn't sure about the rides but really liked the slide they had there.

I waited until it was just her and Nick and I let her play at the bottom. Nick kept climbing up the slide so Kimberly was trying to follow!

Other than that we haven't been up to much sense new years. We all got pretty sick for a couple weeks. It was a horrible cold/flu. Kimberly even had croup and had to get a shot of steroids in her leg! But we are all better now and are back to our routine. Well except that I have decided to do a round of the HCG diet. It is a hard diet (but what one isn't). I should be done with it around Valentines day and then I will be using my Treadmill more! Good luck to me!!

*side note: Kimberly had two more teeth come in making it 8 total!

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