Tuesday, October 14, 2008


So I have been watching my nephew Nick and he has been so much fun to watch and play with. He has been learning how to walk in the last few weeks so I decided to video him and put it up. I think he is one of the most cutest kids but I guess that's what aunts usually say! :)

I also took some pictures because I don't think you need toys or a house decorator. All you need is a kid and a draw full of utensils!!!! Thanks Nick!

1 comment:

Telsha Winger & fam said...

He's a cutie! I'm glad you found my blog. Teona has a blog but she doesn't really ever post on it. Her email is all4memories@hotmail.com. You should email her and tell her to work on her blog. I can't even remember the address sorry! If you want me to I'll email it to you. Anyhow, hope all is going well with you and your hubby :)