Tuesday, July 3, 2012

~July is here~ 3 new posts

 July is one of our favorite months. Jeremy LOVES fireworks! Kimberly has been pretty afraid of them but she actually got a little more into it this last weekend. 

We washed all the vehicles and Ali wanted to help! She loves being outside!

Kimberly playing with pop-its

 She was cute she would put one on the ground for me and one for her and then we would count to three and pop them together.

 A sparkler!!! Our dog LOVES fireworks almost as  much as Jeremy!
 Running threw the sprinklers. Another thing Kimberly is afraid of these days 'water' so mommy took her threw the sprinklers. (showing her that there isn't anything to be afraid of, she seemed to have a good time. It was just bad that she was just the right height that it would hit her right in the face. She would come out with a big smile though so I guess it wasn't to bad!)
 Then daddy did. He was a cheater though! I had to yell at him to get in the water he would wait until it would pass then run. I wonder why she wont go into the water!! Silly daddy!

 Love this girl!!!
 Jeremy let Kimberly play with her fishing pole. He threw the line up over a wire in our back yard. well Rover wanted to get the dummy fish!!!
 After we had been outside most the day I took Ali in to change her diaper while Jeremy watered some of the plants. When all the sudden we heard Kimberly start to cry. It didn't sound to bad and I figured Jeremy would get her. All the sudden Jeremy came running into the house asking for the camera. He said "I know this is mean but I have to take a picture!" So I went running out to see what had happened and this is what I saw........
 She had some how fallen into Rovers water dish! She will probably be mad at us when she is older but it was pretty funny! 

Later we went back out and did some more fireworks and sparklers!

1 comment:

Megan Summers said...

Kim is such a cutie! The pop-it pictures are adorable. And I love the one of her in the water dish!