The whole family damily!
The boys
The girls
The Brook's
The ones that started it all!!
The girls
The Brook's
The ones that started it all!!
My Parents
Sorry I didn't write sooner but I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Late Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
So for Christmas eve Jeremy and I went to lunch and a play with Patti,Trip and Natalie. Then after had dinner with Jared and Natalie. We then watched Dark Knight (good movie). We opened one gift which of course was p.j's but I still look forward to them EVERY year. There was one year I didn't get them and it wasn't the same. Not that I'm trying to be greedy!! On Christmas morning we went over to Patti's had breakfast and opened presents, then it was off to Jeremy's dad's house to open presents, and then to his grandma D. house for dinner. After all the traveling around west valley we went home and opened our presents to each other. All I can say is that we are SPOILED. We ended up getting and iHome for in the kitchen, a bread maker, a gps, clothes games, money, jewelry box, my honeymoon book I made a, etc. On friday the day after we headed down to St. George to see my family. We stayed there for two night and got in some game time, more presents, and family pictures. It's always nice to go down and see my family I miss them. On our way back up to Salt Lake on sunday we stopped and visited with Jeremy's grandparents in Leeds for a while and got to see Goldie (Jeremy's aunt). Then we were back in the car to drive home. Kylee ended up joining us on the drive back along with Grammi J's new addition little "Jasper" he is such a cutie and a GREAT traveler (slept the whole way!) Unfortinatly I ended up getting sick on the way home and had the worst body aches of my life sunday night into monday! I laid around and slept all monday. yesterday wasn't to bad but of course I have pretty much lost my voice today. Its really fun to be talking to patients and suddenly have a high voice or no voice at all!! At least I get the next 4 days off so I can't complain to much.
Jasper on the car ride